Corrugated- Ecofoam- 2 metre retail pack

Corrugated - Ecofoam- 2 metre retail pack
- Ecofoam comes in 2m strips that is 20mm wide with a corrugated profile.
- Firm durable foam
- Gap seal and weather sealant
- Noise and thermal insulation
- Moisture, dust and draught seal
- Pest deterrent
Ecofoam sealant strips are placed onto the purlins of the roof, and the steel/polycarbonate sheet is installed on top. Likewise, the strips are also placed at the top of the ridgeline iron before the ridge flashing is installed. It is recommended to install Ecofoam before the roof is laid, however it can be retrofitted.
More Information
Ecofoam is a closed cell polyethylene (PE) foam. The material (PE) has numerous applications due to its stable and firm nature. It is highly resilient and tough for its weight.
Ecofoam is supplied as a standard concrete grey colour, black is also available by request. The foam comes in 2 metre strips, 20mm wide unless otherwise noted.
Ecofoam is widely used in the roofing industry as eave and ridge fillers sealing out rain, dust, wind and also preventing wind noise, roof rattling and deterring pest incursion into the roof space. The product is UV stable giving excellent performance in harsh climates & does not absorb moisture.
Please contact us for bulk quantities of Ecofoam - we can make any profile for your needs.